Commission Information & Pricing

Terms of Service

I reserve the right to refuse any commission for any reason.
My art may not be used for NFTs/Blockchain projects.
My art may not be used for AI training or datasets.
I prefer to be contacted through email ( You'll receive a consultation after the sketch phase and I will accept payment once the sketch is to your liking. Feel free to request more consultations, though.
Don't hesitate if you want more check-ins for your piece, though!
I accept payment through both square invoices and ko-fi.

Character art

Fullbody - $75.00
Half Body - $55.00
Bust - $40.00

Add a Background (pattern/environment) - $10.00+ depending on complexity
Additional characters - +75% of original price up to 4 added characters. Pieces with more than 5 characters will be priced on a case-by-case basis.
Complex character designs may be upcharged slightly.

Tarot Card Style Illustration

Cards are 2.5"*5"
Willing to discuss 'bulk' pricing if multiple cards desired.


Custom reference sheets made to your specifications!

Views (Front, Side, Back) - $50.00 per view [You can have multiple fronts for different outfits or forms]
Extra Details / Closeups (Busts, Hands, Items, Mannequin Oufits) - $5.00-$15.00 per, depending on complexity
Textbox with Information, Name, etc - Free!

Put example images with the prices marked


500px*500px images featuring headshot (no shoulders) with a simple background
Price flexible, but an estimate is $35.00


You provide me with a concept/character and let me go wild.

Due to the uncertain nature of the final product when commissioning this, the price for this service is flexible and will be decided on through individual consultations.

© Allison Insko 2024