Commission Information & Pricing

Character art

Fullbody - $75.00
Half Body - $55.00
Bust - $40.00

Add a Background (pattern/environment) - $10.00+ depending on complexity
Additional characters - +75% of original price up to 4 added characters. Pieces with more than 5 characters will be priced on a case-by-case basis.
Complex character designs may be upcharged slightly.

Tarot Card Style Illustration

Cards are 2.5"*5"
We can discuss bulk pricing if you'd like multiple cards.


Custom reference sheets made to your specifications!

Views (Front, Side, Back) - $50.00 per view [You can have multiple fronts for different outfits or forms]
Extra Details / Closeups (Busts, Hands, Items, Mannequin Oufits) - $5.00-$15.00 per, depending on complexity
Textbox with Information, Name, etc - Free!

Put example images with the prices marked


500px*500px images featuring headshot (no shoulders) with a simple background
Price flexible, but an estimate is $35.00

Battle Maps

Top-down environmental illustrations, perfect for tabletop games.
$25.00 per map; map variations (e.g. a chasm opening up, fallen pillars, etc) +$5.00 each.


You provide me with a concept/character and let me go wild.

Due to the uncertain nature of the final product when commissioning this, the price for this service is flexible and will be decided on a case by case basis.

Terms of Service

I reserve the right to refuse any commission for any reason.
My art may not be used for NFTs/Blockchain projects.
My art may not be used for AI training or datasets.
I prefer to be contacted through email ( You'll receive a consultation after the sketch phase and I will accept payment once the sketch is to your liking. You're more than welcome to request more check-ins, though!
I accept payment through both Square invoices and Ko-fi.

© Allison Insko 2024